Springing into action with citizen science
Citizen science has been the driver for the Port MacDonnell Landcare Group as they delivered wetland restoration and water sampling activities at the nationally endangered Karst Spring sites.
Annually around a quarter of a million dollars is provided to support the Limestone Coast community to undertake natural resource management activities that help to achieve landscape benefits.
Since 2020-21 Grassroots Grants has been successfully used to kick-start new projects and build upon existing ones. They have been used to seed activities such as plantings, nature education, citizen science, weed and pest control, erosion management and community engagement.
Join the Grassroots Grant community and stay informed of the next rounds, project updates and other opportunities to be involved.
Further details on current and past projects can be found by exploring the map below.
Citizen science has been the driver for the Port MacDonnell Landcare Group as they delivered wetland restoration and water sampling activities at the nationally endangered Karst Spring sites.
Newbery Park Primary School has taken learning out of the classroom and into the landscape with the support of a Limestone Coast Grassroots Grant. The funding allowed children to experience excursions with local Elders and connect to nature.
Find out how Mount Burr Trails group revitalised one of Mount Burr’s recreational trails the ‘Look out Loop’.
Year 7 students from Grant High School were provided hands on learning experiences out on Country with the support of Grassroots Grants funding.
MacKillop Farm Management Group has teamed up with a local Hatherleigh property in the Wattle Range council area and businesses Van Schaik’s Bio Gro and Barenbrug Australia to investigate cost-effective alternate methods for maintaining healthy soils in a grazing system.
Learn more about the Holdfast Art Groups project and how the Grassroots Grant has supported their journey.
Grassroots Grants funding is provided by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board’s (LC Landscape Board or ‘the board’) levies.
Funding is available for projects between $1,000 and $50,000 (+ GST) for the 2024/25 financial year, with a total annual funding pool of $246,923 available. Funding will be awarded to participants on a competitive basis and the LC Landscape Board expects to fund a range of projects across the region addressing it is priority areas.
Funding will be awarded on merit to those projects that demonstrate the best value for money and delivery of benefits in accordance with LC Landscape Board priorities. Applications will be addressed against eligibility and assessment criteria outlined below.
Applications open on 1 March 2025 and close at 5pm on 14 April 2025.
It is strongly recommended you discuss your project idea with a staff member before applying. Section 8 provides a list of staff ready to help.
The Landscape South Australia Act 2019 (the Act) states that regional landscape boards must establish and maintain a Grassroots Grants Program for its region to support individuals, volunteers, community organisations and other bodies working at the local level on a not-for-profit basis[1]. The Act commits regional landscape boards to make grants available to undertake natural resources management activities that help to achieve benefits at the local level.
Consideration for funding will be made for a broad range of sustainable land management and environment protection and enhancement projects that address both emerging and continuing priority issues across the region.
[1] ‘For-profit’ organisations can apply for funding as long as the project is not-for-profit.
The following eligibility criteria will need to be met. The applicant will need to:
Eligible projects will contribute to one or more of the priorities of the Limestone Coast (LC) Landscape Board. These five priorities form the backbone of the LC Landscape Board’s Regional Landscape Plan, a five year strategic plan for 2021-2026. Success in these priorities has been broadly described as follows below and future LC Coast Landscape Board projects will be designed to contribute to this success.
Funding will be offered on the following basis:
Only expenditure incurred by the funding recipient, directly attributable to the approved project, will be considered eligible expenditure.
Eligible expenditure cannot be incurred before the grant agreement has been signed by both parties.
Eligible expenditure must be incurred on or before the project completion date, or any approved variations.
Funding is provided strictly to support the project and its core activities as per the grant application and any approved variations.
For the purpose of assessing a project proposal, ineligible activities and items include but are not limited to:
This list is not exhaustive. Other activities or specific expenditure may be ineligible where the LC Landscape Board determines that they do not directly support the achievement of the planned outcomes of the project or that they are contrary to the spirit and intention of the funding and the board’s priorities.
[1] N.B. Collaborating with the LC Landscape Board’s Landscape Operations team on a pest control activity cannot be included as ‘in-kind’ support in your project application.
Project proposals will be assessed against how well they address the following:
N.B. Projects with clearly demonstrated community benefit, capacity building and community engagement elements will be assessed more favourably.
It is strongly recommended that applicants discuss their project ideas with a Limestone Coast Landscape Board team member (listed in 'Chat With Us' tab on the project page) prior to completing an application. This will assist to address the priorities of both the applicant and the board, clarify any questions of project or applicant eligibility, and identify opportunities for establishing a successful partnership.
Applications must be submitted via the online platform SmartyGrants. All grants will be managed through this system. Support to use the online system is available by emailing LandscapeSA.LCLandscapeBoardGrants@sa.gov.au or by calling 8429 7550 during business hours. If your query is in relation to your grant content, please refer to the list in 'Chat With Us'.
The closing time and date for applications will be 5pm on Monday 15 April 2024. There will be no extensions and late applications will not be accepted.
Projects will be assessed against the criteria in section 6 above by an assessment panel including Limestone Coast Landscape Board staff and board representation. A site assessment may also be conducted as part of the assessment process. A staff member would be in contact to organise such an assessment if required.
Recommended successful applications will be submitted to the board for approval.
Applicants will be notified by the end of June 2024 of a successful application by the receipt of a letter and Grant Agreement. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by letter. If the grant is successful, a grant agreement must be signed by both parties before any work is commenced. Grant funding will be provided upon receipt of a compliant Tax Invoice. Some projects may be funded in stages. These details will be included in the grant agreement.
Project implementation will commence, and proceed against the agreed deliverables and any conditions outlined in the grant agreement.
Grantees will be encouraged to invite Limestone Coast Landscape Board members and staff to their activities to build relationships and document Grassroots Grants projects for promotion and engagement with the wider community.
The project will be completed by 30 June 2025, unless otherwise negotiated and reporting will be undertaken in SmartyGrants, in accordance with the grant agreement or any approved variations. Multi-year projects will be subject to a project delivery schedule relevant to their project, outlined in the grant agreement.
Further information in relation to developing project ideas and applications can be found on the project page. Find details of previous successful projects, answer to Frequently Asked Questions, and subject matter experts who can provide advice.
An applicant must be a 'legal entity'. Eligibility includes but is not limited to:
Not for profit, local projects with an environmental or sustainable agriculture benefit, in the Limestone Coast. For example:
Revegetation and fencing projects on private land are eligible. However, where a project delivers benefit primarily for the landholder the project is unlikely to score highly. Where the community will benefit from the activity through education or capacity-building, utilise volunteers, partner with other organisations, show good value for money or innovation and so on in might be more highly considered (section 6 in the Guidelines for Applicants has more detail).
Examples include:
For further guidance on the kinds of projects that were successful in previous rounds, check out the projects tab on our project page.
[1] However, you can apply for funding for a private contractor to carry out control works, or you can ask the board to support your pest control activities as part of their annual work plan by contacting one of the Team Leaders Landscape Operations in the list of contacts towards the end of this document. Please also note, collaborating with the board’s Landscape Operations team on a pest control activity cannot be included as ‘in-kind’ support in your project application.
Generally, funding is not provided for the purchase of assets. You are encouraged to borrow or hire equipment, however, purchase of equipment may be considered if it can be demonstrated that this is essential to the delivery of specified works.
You will need to check if your project is a Water Affecting Activity (view policy). If a permit is required, this will be identified in the Grant Agreement along with any appropriate conditions and the LC Landscape Board will apply a permit exemption as part of the grant approval.
You can ask for your project to be fully funded however, it is preferable that volunteer hours or other in-kind support is detailed in the application.
Yes, as long as the projects are separate and distinct and you or your organisation has the capacity to deliver them.
As an individual you are eligible to apply. However, for your application to be considered for funding you will need to demonstrate community capacity building elements, community engagement and the benefit to the broader community. Alternatively you could apply for funding for a not-for-profit project in partnership with a community organisation.
Yes, as long as the project is not-for-profit and meets one or more of the criteria laid out in the Guidelines for Applicants.
If you are not a legal entity e.g. a group of neighbouring landholders banding together for pest management activities, you will need someone, a person or organisation, to be responsible for receiving and managing grant funding and completing reporting.
This could be the local council, or an individual. A sponsor’s letter is required as part of your application if you are using a sponsor. There is a space in the application form for applicants to add a letter confirming sponsorship from their sponsoring organisation.
Another common example is an unincorporated Friends of Parks group, who would use Friends of Parks Inc. as their sponsor.
No, the online application portal will close at 5pm on Monday 14 April 2025.
It is anticipated that the assessment and approvals process will take approximately six to eight weeks. All applicants will be advised whether or not their proposed project(s) were successful. Grant Agreements will then be sent to successful proponents.
Most grants will be paid 100% upfront. In some circumstances (a very big grant, or a risky project), we might negotiate a payment split e.g. 80% upfront, 20% on completion. Multi-year projects will receive subsequent years’ funding payments upon approval of milestone reports.
Maybe. In circumstances beyond your control e.g. a COVID-19 surge making it impossible to hold your public event or seasonal conditions affecting your planned activities, you can apply to extend your project by up to 12 months.
Support to use the online system (fix log-ins, recover passwords etc.) is available by emailing LandscapeSA.LCLandscapeBoardGrants@sa.gov.au or by calling the office on 8429 7550during business hours.
If your query is in relation to your grant content, please visit our project page and check out the 'Chat with us' tab.
Our staff are available to support you! Discussing your project idea with a staff member is the best first step when considering an application.
Name | Limestone Coast Landscape Board |
Phone | 08 8429 7550 |
LandscapeSA.LCLandscapeBoardGrants@sa.gov.au |
Assist with advice on First Nations partnerships and community engagement connections.
Assist with advice on bush management, including regeneration, revegetation and shelterbelts.
Assist with advice on school and community education activities and events.
Assist with sustainable agriculture and primary production project advice.
Assist with advice on Water Affecting Activity permits.
Assist with advice on engagement and communication activities.
Assist with advice on pest plant and animal management.
Click ‘+ Follow’ above to join the Grassroots Grant community, stay informed of the next rounds, project updates and other opportunities to be involved.
The Limestone Coast Landscape Board acknowledges and respects the traditional owners of the ancestral lands and waters of the Limestone Coast. We acknowledge the elders past, present and future and we respect the deep feelings of attachment and relationships of Aboriginal Peoples to Country including the language groups: Meintangk, Potaruwutij, Bunganditj, Tatiara/Ngarkat, Tanganekald (Southern Clans) and Ngarrindjeri.
Artwork by: Marie Clarke
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