Learning in the landscape

Newbery Park Primary School has taken learning out of the classroom and into the landscape with the support of a Limestone Coast Grassroots Grant. The funding allowed children to experience excursions with local Elders and connect to nature.

Why was the project important?

Students are the next generation to care for the environment. So it is important to teach them about the environment and the actions they can take today to look after it. Newbery Park students explored the landscape by learning outside the classroom. They have experienced iconic landscape sites by going on excursions around the Limestone Coast. Students have learnt about cultural heritage and its importance to the environment.

How did the Grassroots Grant help?

Low socio-economic schools often have limited budgets, providing new learning activities to support curriculum can be difficult to fund. This can mean limiting meaningful learning experiences without the support of grant opportunities.

Integrating learning on country with local Elders has provided students with experiences they may not have otherwise had. This includes understanding the signficance of First Nations culture in our landscape.

Words of advice for future grant applicants.