The Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan is being amended

Amendment of the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan (the Plan) began in March 2024. The transition to amendment follows the conclusion of an 18-month review period which found that change to the Plan is required for it to remain appropriate for the region.

Amendment is focusing on new knowledge, sustainable allocation, environmental provisions, legislative and policy alignment, licensing complexity, administrative ease and the water market.

Revising the plan will be a complex process, we encourage you to stay connected and take up opportunities to participate as they arise. We look forward to working with you to improve water resource management in the Lower Limestone Coast.

Information sessions

Whether you are a rural landholder, use water for your stock or garden, live in the region or hold a water licence, it’s time to talk water.

The focus areas for revising the Plan

Stakeholder Advisory Group

The Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan Amendment Stakeholder Advisory Group will provide objective advice and recommendations to the Limestone Coast Landscape Board towards the sustainable use, conservation and management of water in the Lower Limestone Coast Prescribed Wells Area.

Stakeholder Advisory Group meetings

Venue and time TBC


Minutes will be published following meeting 4

Chardonnay Lodge, Coonawarra, 10.30 am to 3.30 pm


See the above video for an update from the meeting

Minutes will be published following meeting 5.

Chardonnay Lodge, Coonawarra, 10.30 am to 3.30 pm



These minutes represent the discussion by Stakeholder Advisory Group members. They are captured to support interested parties understand the breadth of discussions. Only decisions outlined in the decision register represent a formal position of the Stakeholder Advisory Group.

UniSA, Mount Gambier, 10.30am to 3.30 pm



These minutes represent the discussion by Stakeholder Advisory Group members. They are captured to support interested parties understand the breadth of discussions. Only decisions outlined in the decision register represent a formal position of the Stakeholder Advisory Group.

Chardonnay Lodge 103.30 am to 3.30 pm


Confirmed minutes

These minutes represent the discussion by Stakeholder Advisory Group members. They are captured to support interested parties understand the breadth of discussions. Only decisions outlined in the decision register represent a formal position of the Stakeholder Advisory Group.

Stakeholder Advisory Group Members

Image of Penny Schulz

Dr Penny Schulz

LLC WAP Stakeholder Advisory Group Chair

Representing the Limestone Coast Landscape Board

Pete Bissell Co-Chair

Pete Bissell

LLC WAP Stakeholder Advisory Group Co-Chair

Representing the Limestone Coast Landscape Board

Alan Rossouw

Representing the Softwood Forestry Sector

Belinda Williamson

Representing the Manufacturing Industry

Belinda has worked as an Environmental Engineer in sawmilling for 25+ years and has experience in large groundwater remediation projects.

Claire Harding

Representing Environment and Conservation

Conservation Ecologist, National Parks and Wildlife Service, manager of public wetland assets. Claire has extensive local hydro-ecological knowledge.

Claire Davies

Representing the Viticulture Sector

Grape grower and member of the Wrattonbully Wine Region Association and Limestone Coast Grape & Wine Council, Claire has strong industry connections.

Darren Shelden

Representing the Hardwood Forestry Sector

Over 20 years in the forestry sector. Working at Australian Bluegum Plantations, Darren has hardwood and water allocation planning experience.

Graeme Hamilton

Representing the Dairy Sector

An active member of the South Australian Dairy Association, Graeme has extensive water allocation planning experience and owns a dairy in Glenburnie.

image of James Prescott

James Prescott

Representing Environment & Conservation

A former Kongorong farmer and current member of the Friends of Mt Gambier Area Parks with an interest in the environment and wetland ecosystems.

Kerry DeGaris

Representing Livestock and Wool Production

Kerry has extensive water allocation planning experience, scientific expertise and owns a livestock and wool production property near Bool Lagoon.

Kylie Boston

Representing Irrigated Livestock Production Sector

A member of local government, Kylie has water allocation planning & dairy industry experience with a primary production background.

Image of Melissa Herpich

Melissa Herpich

Representing Environment & Conservation

A member of environmental NGO Natural Glenelg Trust, Melissa is an ecologist with extensive knowledge of the region’s environmental values.

picture of simon sherriff

Simon Sherriff

Public Water Supply

As Manager Regional Water Security at SA Water, Simon brings extensive experience in the technical and policy aspects of water resources management.

Peter Balnaves

Representing the Viticulture Sector

As a leader in the wine industry Peter has 18 years’ experience representing the industry in Lower Limestone Coast water planning processes.

Terry Buckley

Representing the Horticulture Sector

Terry has nearly 50 years’ experience producing potatoes and also produces prime lambs from irrigated pasture.

Wayne Hancock

Representing Irrigated Livestock Production

A member of the Mid-South Irrigators Group, Wayne has a deep knowledge of water planning & has a primary production enterprise in Townsend & Bowaka.


The Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan was reviewed in 2022-23. A Stakeholder Advisory Group was formed to support the review process, supporting comprehensive discussions of the principles in the Plan and what remained appropriate or needed amendment.

In addition to the Stakeholder Advisory Group the LC Landscape Board held information and feedback sessions to broaden the reach of the review. In total of 18 sessions were held for various industries and community groups.

The Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan Amendment Stakeholder Advisory Group will provide objective advice and recommendations to the Limestone Coast Landscape Board towards the sustainable use, conservation and management of water in the Lower Limestone Coast Prescribed Wells Area.

These meeting were held as part of the review which concluded in October 2023.

Meeting #11

Wednesday 25 October 2023


Meeting #10

Thursday 21 September 2023



Meeting #9

Thursday 17 August 2023



Meeting #8

Thursday 13 July 2023



Meeting #7

Thursday 15 June 2023



Meeting #6

Wednesday 17 May 2023



Meeting #5

Wednesday 29 March 2023



Meeting #4

Wednesday 22 February 2023



Meeting #3

Thursday 19 January 2023



Meeting #2

Friday 18 November 2022



Meeting #1

Thursday 20 October 2022



News & events

  • Review moves to an amendment process

    The amendment of the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan (the Plan) is set to begin in early 2024.

    The announcement follows the conclusion of an 18 month review period which has found that amendment is required for the Plan to remain appropriate for the region.

    We sincerely thank the licence holders, community members and industry and interest groups and in particular the Stakeholder Advisory Group who contributed to the review process.

  • Community Information Sessions

    The Limestone Coast Landscape Board wrapped up their Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan review roadshow, culminating in community information sessions held in Mt Gambier, Naracoorte and online in September.

    The public information sessions were open to anyone in the community with an interest in learning more about our groundwater resources and the role of the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan in their management.

  • Sessions to support stakeholder understanding

    Over 16 information sessions were held in 2023 with stakeholders from industry groups such as dairy, cropping, livestock and forestry as part of the series to ensure water licence holders, industry representatives and environment groups have an opportunity to be involved in the review of the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan.

    The purpose of these sessions was to provide groups the opportunity to contribute directly to the process and broaden their understanding of the review.

    See 'events' in the above menu for upcoming events

Opportunities to be involved:

Have your say

Contribute to revising the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan