Learn about our local landscape through cultural sessions

Walking the Seasons is a program inspired by the region's First Nations seasonal calendar. The seasonal calendar provides a base to record changes through the year in a specific area of the landscape. After successfully running in schools for the past few years this educational program is now offered to the wider community.

Community members are invited to connect with nature and spend time observing and identifying species in their local landscape.

A walk can take place almost anywhere in your local community. Cultural knowledge and expertise make this unique program an interesting experience for all ages.

Walking the Seasons with the community is a collaborative project delivered by Limestone Coast Landscape Board and Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation.

Register for a walk

Register for an upcoming community walk with one of our local First Nations Elders

Get involved

Share your walk

Walking the Seasons provides valuable knowledge and interactive experiences in nature

Q & A's

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Damien Bickley

Landscape Education Coordinator

Mel Holtz

Landscape Education Coordinator

David New

Engagement Coordinator First Nations Partnerships

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{{ answer.respondent.name }}
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Project team

Damien Bickley

Landscape Education Coordinator

Melinda Holtz

Landscape Education Coordinator

David New

Engagement Coordinator First Nations Partnerships
Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation logo

Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation

Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation