The Tintinara Coonalpyn Water Allocation Plan is now under review

A water allocation plan for the Tintinara Coonalpyn Prescribed Wells Area was adopted in adopted in 2012 with a review held in 2016. Under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 a water allocation plan must be reviewed on a comprehensive basis at least once in every 10 years.

This review is now underway. This page will support you to stay connected and take up opportunities to participate as they arise.

Stakeholder Advisory Group

Seeking expressions of interest from individuals and industry and community group representatives.


Review process

The purpose of review is to:

  • Review the principles in the plan.
  • Review the success of the plan considering the outcomes it sought to achieve.
  • Provide an assessment of whether the Plan remains appropriate or requires amendment.
  • Assess or address any other matters prescribed by the regulations.

This review is required to be completed by the end of 2026. A review does not produce a revised Plan, an amendment process is required to achieve this.

Background on the Tintinara Coonalpyn Water Allocation Plan

The Tintinara Coonalpyn Water Allocation Plan (the Plan) sets out the rules for the take and use of water in the area from the confined and unconfined aquifers.

The plan for the Tintinara Coonalpyn Prescribed Wells Area was adopted on 23 April 2012. In 2016 there was a review of the water allocation plans in the upper Limestone Coast. Amendment did not occur at this time.

The Tintinara Coonalpyn Water Allocation Plan and summary of feedback from the 2016 review can be found under key resources.

Find out more about the Tintinara Coonalpyn Water Allocation Plan

Water resources in the Tintinara Coonalpyn Prescribed Wells Area

The area supports just over 110 water licences.

There is over 88 observation wells in the Tintinara Coonalpyn Prescribed Wells Area.

View the map of wells in the area and drill down for observation well information

Consultation approach for the review process

The consultation approach for the review process takes into account the size and complexity of the prescribed wells areas and the diversity of values that groundwater supports. Consultation includes:

Stakeholder Advisory Group

A Stakeholder Advisory Group will support the review process. The Group will be chaired by a Member of the Limestone Coast Landscape Board Governing body. Terms of reference, agendas and minutes will be made publicly available.

The Stakeholder Advisory Group will make recommendations to the Limestone Coast Landscape Board Governing Body.

Direct communications

Direct communications via email and post will be sent to key stakeholders, including water licence holders and industry sector groups, state agencies and local governments, local members of parliament and local interest groups.

First Nations engagement

The traditional owners of the land of the Tintinara Coonalpyn Prescribed Wells Area are the Ngarkat and Ngarrindjeri people. Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation (NAC) is the prescribed corporate body established to act as an agent for Ngarrindjeri People and represent their Native Title and Heritage interest.

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board is committed to working with First Nations people in the review of the Tintinara Coonalpyn Water Allocation Plan. The method of engagement will be appropriate and relevant.

Announcement, news stories, media releases and radio

Key information regarding the review of the Plan will be published as news stories on the Limestone Coast Landscape Board website and project page. These announcements are also distributed to local print media.

Following media announcements some radio interviews may be held on key topics.

Community consultation

This may be in the format of community and water licencee information sessions or one-on-one drop in sessions for those interested to hear more about the review.

Dedicated project page to support the amendment process

This dedicated page has been developed to support understanding of the review process and provide opportunities for engagement and contribution from the community.

Social media

Social media platforms will be used during the review process to communicate announcements, upcoming events and opportunities to engage. The social media platforms can be accessed on the following links.

X (formerly twitter)

Feedback and polls

Feedback forms and polls will be open at various times throughout the review. These opportunities will be placed on this project page when they arise.

Get involved

Support the review process but answering a few quick questions about water resources and trade in the Tintinara Coonalpyn Prescribed Wells Area.

Quick Poll

When considering water resources in the Tintinara Coonalpyn Prescribed Wells Area what do you think is the primary issue to be addressed?

What would you like to see as part of this review?

This could relate to the process or the resource itself, such as groundwater levels, salinity levels, or opportunities for engagement (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

Stakeholder Advisory Group

The Tintinara Coonalpyn Water Allocation Plan Stakeholder Advisory Group will provide advice and recommendations to the Limestone Coast Landscape Board in the review of the Plan.

The Stakeholder Advisory Group will meet regularly to review the Plan. They will consider new information about water policy and science and discuss options for better management to assess whether the Plan remains appropriate or requires amendment.

The Group will be chaired by a Member of the Limestone Coast Landscape Board Governing body. Who the members are, terms of reference, agendas and minutes will be made publicly available.

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