Working together to protect karst springs in the Limestone Coast

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board in partnership with Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation, South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board and other organisations in the region is rejuvenating and restoring a critically endangered wetland. The project will be undertaken on the property purchased by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board in 2023 at Eight Mile Creek, in the coastal area near Port MacDonnell.

The project will focus on:

  • restoring a critically endangered wetland
  • contributing to water security
  • creating new Caring for Country opportunities for First Nations.

What's happening

  • Initial investigations

    Initial investigations, monitoring and planning will be undertaken over the next two years. This will be important to ensure that the works are designed appropriately to protect neighbours from off-site impacts.

    They will also establish a benchmark for changes to the site over time.

  • Experts from SA Herbarium

    The SA Herbarium has visited the property. Sixty five different plant species were identified, including eight rare or vulnerable species in South Australia.

    From terrestrial to aquatic plants, our property will be catalogued and monitored giving us valuable insights into the ecological dynamics.

  • Exploring the hidden depth of peat soil

    Auricht Projects, CSIRO and Adelaide University are tracking changes in peat depth from the 1940s.

    Peat, formed by decay in waterlogged conditions, holds vital clues into water security and carbon storage. As peat dries out, it sinks and lets out carbon dioxide.

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Emma Maxwell

Wetland Restoration Ecologist

Ryan Judd

Project Coordinator Water Resource Management

Jason Taylor

Manager, Sustainable Landscapes

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Project team

Dr Emma Maxwell

Project Coordinator - Wetland Ecologist
Project Coordinator Water Resource Management

Ryan Judd

Project Coordinator Water Resource Management

Dr. Robbie Andrew

Acting Team Leader, Habitat Conservation

Jason Taylor

Manager, Sustainable Landscapes

Project partners

Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board will partner with the Burrandies Aboriginal Corporation in all aspects of restoration of the site. This will ensure First Nations cultural values, heritage, future aspirations and opportunities will be incorporated into the design and delivery of the restoration and long term management of the site.

We will be walking together with First Nations on this project in a collaborative approach towards sustainable land management.

Walking together statement with First Nations